Sunday 21 October 2012

What is this Blog site about?

The Book Length Project Group was started in Western Australia in 2012 and it is held on the third Sunday of each month at Mattie Furphy House at the Fellowship of Australian Writers, Western Australian Division in Swanbourne Western Australia.

The aim of the group is to provide the opportunity for people working on larger writing projects to meet, network and share their thoughts about the writing process, to read and discuss their work, and to discuss the practicalities of all that goes with writing something of 'book length,' and publication.

To date we have been fortunate in having  critically acclaimed Western Australian fiction writers Amanda Curtin (latest novel - The Sinkings) and Nicholas Hasluck (latest novel - Dismissal) generously give their time to speak to the group.  Group members, too, have been willing to share their considerable writing and publishing experience. I feel that the  great strength of this group is this collective experience, generosity, and willingness to share. We've also had one social event.
My role in the group is as Coordinator rather than Facilitator, in any formal sense. The meetings have a loose structure, but the flexibility enables them to respond to whatever is needed from month to month. I have made a commitment to attend each of the groups, to send out information, and to bring the morning tea.
A little about myself to help contextualise the above: My debut novel Elsewhere in Success is on the verge of being released by Fremantle Press. (For 'on the verge' read 'February 2013'. There are a couple of sample chapters on their website under 'Coming Soon'. I also have a PhD thesis online under Murdoch University digital theses. It is called Caryl Churchill: Representational Negotiations and Provisional Truths! There have been scattered attempts at poetry, some published, and short stories, and I have written some one-act plays, which have been performed in a Fringe context.

So that's an idea of the group. And me.

Contact FAWWA  (Fellowship of Australian Writers Western Australia website) if you want to learn more, or if you'd like to come along to any of the meetings.