Lately, I've been thinking about what it takes to be a writing mentor. I had a good one for my first novel, but I struggle to work out why that person was right for me at the tenuous time of attempting my first bona-fide novel. If he had handled the job less sensitively, would I have given up? Well possibly that book, but probably not from attempting another which incorporated some of the ideas - I have a bit of a stubborn streak that usually doesn't let me give up. On the other hand, how do you know if you can do something, until you've done it? Sometimes confidence gives out before the job is done.
My mentor and I have become friends in the long process of writing the book, meeting for the occasional cup of coffee, and not long ago we met for a delicious meal with his partner who also read my book in the manuscript stage and, to my great delight, gave it the thumbs-up. Two mentors for the price of one!
Maybe part of the solution to getting the mentor mix right is in being able to talk freely with him or her about one's random and sometimes fairly incoherent ideas that may or may not make it into the story. I did, and after doing that I would go away and make them a little more coherent in my imagination (some might say, fester in my imagination). My mentor is skilful in resisting what must sometimes be a strong urge to give me 'solutions' before I have had the chance to think them through myself. So maybe a good mentor is, in part, a sounding board with minimal distortion in reflecting back what I want to do, and not necessarily what he might do himself.
A good mentor seems to be one who will help the writer be the best he or she can be, rather than a faultless version of the mentor's idea of what a good writer should be. The mentor needs to be good at pointing out the mentee's existing strengths and skills, and encouraging him or her to build on those. The mentor needs to be able to make suggestions that enable the writer maintain the integrity or feel of the work - and to develop their unique voice. I believe there is little point in simply reproducing what others do when it comes to writing. Cynically following a formula might or might not get you published, but really, what does it add that is of value to what is already out there. A writer's 'voice' is the golden thing that is the result of the unique life they have lived and the way they have learnt (and continue to learn) to communicate this.
With voice comes authenticity. I have mentioned authenticity in previous posts. What I mean by authenticity is not kidding yourself, or trying to get away with something that you know isn't quite right or congruent with the character. The temptation is there when the authentic clashes with the socially popular, or with some sort of truism or social more. I guess if you're a writer sometimes you have to be prepared to put alternative positions, even when they risk making you look bad. If that's what the particular text calls for. So it's not that easy to be authentic, to strip away the social self and really look at what lies beneath, through the characters that we create. It makes us vulnerable (and yet in vulnerability, there is strength). I feel that every book, regardless of how fanciful, contains an element of autobiography, if only because it emanates from the writer's particular take on something. There are embedded assumptions in any perspective, reportage or opinion, this post included. Assumptions can, and should, be changed when more constructive assumptions are able to take their place. I'm not sure that it's possible to have no assumptions, but I'm always open to persuasion.
I think we are nearly all seduced (in one way or another) into small 'p' politics when it comes to self-representation - which I assume all writing is, to some extent. I understand the voice to be an extension of identity beyond the body, which is why silencing people diminishes them. This idea is really well discussed in a classic book written in the nineteen eighties by Elaine Scarry: The Body in Pain: the Making and Unmaking of the World. It's largely about torture and the reduction of the person to the body. I think it's an important book in really understanding the nature of power and control. I think it obliquely influenced some of the ideas in my first novel.
Getting back to the mentor discussion - I think the good mentor needs to be expert in their field, and available to answer questions, be able to avoid being judgmental, without doing away with the ability to provide constructive feedback (requiring sound judgement).
The group associated with this blog site is a network of authors who read each other's work and discuss various elements of working on a book-length writing project. We are all learning to become mentors to support one another in our work. I would be interested in any ideas on how we can make this work well for us all.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
Finding or Losing the Plot...
We had productive fun at Annabel Smith's plotting workshop on Saturday, with lively discussion around what it was that drew us into a novel, and what pulled us forward and compelled us to keep reading. We discussed masculine and feminine approaches (masculinist and feminist?) the linear and the circular, singularly or multiply climactic, and we did practical exercises exploring our current projects in the context of these exercises.
Annabel explored the what and why of the novel, referencing articles from here, here, and here.
I'm always in two minds about workshops (at least two minds). At their best they can help break a deadlock and stimulate a surge in writing and a renewed level of excitement in what I am doing. (I tend to work at it regardless, but it's better and I'm more productive when I feel excited about the process). At the other end of the scale, workshops can become an end in themselves, an endless pursuit of information which is seldom directly applied to the project at hand. That's not a necessarily bad thing if it leads to a useful shift in understanding. I think no learning is wasted - it's all recycled, and often the long way round is the most scenic. Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I even book into workshops without knowing what they are going to be about. At the moment I've given myself a fairly tight schedule, so I was pleased that this workshop was immediately relevant, and my time was so well-spent.
The presenter was flexible in her approach and encouraged and engaged in the discussion around the pros and cons of plotting rules. It was a true exploration of ideas rather than a set formula approach to plotting - although structure was presented as a series of helpful exercises. What I found was that by going through the process of thinking about the various elements of story development, my own project became clearer, and the trajectory of the story became more developed in my imagination.
At the same time it reminded me that I have my own permission to live in uncertainty when it comes to writing a story. It can go in any one of so many directions, and the emphasis and story will change as the writing materialises. I feel that writing is a process of seeking a kind of truth through reconciling the conscious, rational mind with the intuitive, and by understanding that without some ability to step back and look at structure a story is impoverished. It is similarly impoverished when we write without emotion, passion, and a certain willingness to put our thoughts - or not our thoughts - (as words) on the line. In the bumpy and twisted terrain of novel-writing, by placing both hands on that steering wheel, we're more likely to keep our car on the road.
Annabel explored the what and why of the novel, referencing articles from here, here, and here.
I'm always in two minds about workshops (at least two minds). At their best they can help break a deadlock and stimulate a surge in writing and a renewed level of excitement in what I am doing. (I tend to work at it regardless, but it's better and I'm more productive when I feel excited about the process). At the other end of the scale, workshops can become an end in themselves, an endless pursuit of information which is seldom directly applied to the project at hand. That's not a necessarily bad thing if it leads to a useful shift in understanding. I think no learning is wasted - it's all recycled, and often the long way round is the most scenic. Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I even book into workshops without knowing what they are going to be about. At the moment I've given myself a fairly tight schedule, so I was pleased that this workshop was immediately relevant, and my time was so well-spent.
The presenter was flexible in her approach and encouraged and engaged in the discussion around the pros and cons of plotting rules. It was a true exploration of ideas rather than a set formula approach to plotting - although structure was presented as a series of helpful exercises. What I found was that by going through the process of thinking about the various elements of story development, my own project became clearer, and the trajectory of the story became more developed in my imagination.
At the same time it reminded me that I have my own permission to live in uncertainty when it comes to writing a story. It can go in any one of so many directions, and the emphasis and story will change as the writing materialises. I feel that writing is a process of seeking a kind of truth through reconciling the conscious, rational mind with the intuitive, and by understanding that without some ability to step back and look at structure a story is impoverished. It is similarly impoverished when we write without emotion, passion, and a certain willingness to put our thoughts - or not our thoughts - (as words) on the line. In the bumpy and twisted terrain of novel-writing, by placing both hands on that steering wheel, we're more likely to keep our car on the road.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Well, well... new blog site launched, and no messing about with trivia

Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Episode Fifteen, and a little explanation which may or may not clarify things!
This is the last of the first draft writing I did for my abandoned post-apocalyptic satire. Normally I wouldn't publish creative writing in such an unfinished state, but this is a blog, and it provides an idea of one writer's start point on a manuscript (with some concurrent light editing). I'm not sure if, or how much, of this will be useful to others, but there it is, an example of a start, a bit like the first exploratory rehearsal of some scenes in a play. I might return to this story in the future, but for now it will be put away. My feeling is that the piece of writing is about a third of the way through a first draft (there are a few other bits and pieces) and that if I completed it, much of what has been posted here would ultimately be left on the cutting room floor.
I don't know if there are any unbreakable rules when it comes to how to write a novel, or how long it should take. Any creative process is, by definition... well, creative. A creative writer needs to be comfortable with uncertainty. (Maybe they don't.) Will this one be finished? (I'll come back to it. In time.) When will it be finished? How do I know if something is finished? I will be starting work on my new project on July 1st and will be working solidly on that for the next year to get the first draft finished and then another year and some to bring it to publication standard. A question that might be worth asking is: what is publication standard for a novel (as distinct from a blog)?
Beyond the obvious proof reading, agreeing on the state of being finished is quite a subtle thing. I don't know how to tell whether something is finished, other than to use my own intuition or instinct, to decide whether it makes some sort of emotional/intellectual sense (or not), and, as my editor once mentioned, to see if the writing is at the point at which my urge to keep changing things has ceased (or when I consistently begin to change things and then change them back). My usual approach to writing is to keep working on it within an inch of its life, which is why I have found a blog so useful as a freeing-up device. The novel needs more than a blog, and less than 'within an inch of its life' - that excessiveness that overworks a piece of writing so that it no longer breathes. Nothing human-made is perfect (an impossible concept to get one's head around when it comes to work that involves self and other observation, emotion and intellect combined with whatever it is that is mysteriously, and sometimes accidentally created by the choice and placement of words in a certain way) and I do find Leonard Cohen's Anthem so reassuring in this regard, not just for writing but for life. Not just for life, but for writing. The song has as many meanings as people listening I suppose, but it reminds me to accept that I have done the best I can for now, and accept what I do, and have done, as beautifully imperfect in its own way. (I've put the link to the You Tube clip there, just so you can take a break and enjoy his beautiful song!)
For me (and I am forever emerging, rather than emerged, as a writer - still struggling from my chrysalis - an ongoing metamorphosis) for me, bits of a novel come from all over the place. A scene might be triggered by an image, a formal writing exercise at a workshop, a painting, documentary, road trip, conversation, passage of music, or (most often) a random (rogue?) idea. When I am working on something I prime myself to live within the story (I have to work on it a bit every day for this to happen) and trust that even if something that comes to me as a random and seemingly unconnected line of thought or bit of writing, it can ultimately be useful (either as content or subtext). Accidental occurrences open up my imagination and break me out of a confining loop of thinking that would otherwise return only what I know. Daydreaming, curiosity and an openness to discovery is, I think, the key. When I was studying theatre, the main rule to remember for group improvisations, was not to block ideas. I had to learn to relinquish control, not to force ideas into a preconceived template - had to be willing to go in another direction, even if it ended in the confinement of a cull-de-sac. One could always backtrack. Or start again from a different place.
I suppose stamina is needed. Perseverance. But only in a non self-defeating kind of way, not beating up on oneself. Am I having fun yet? Freedom. I refuse to place unnecessary restrictions on myself. Structure maybe, restrict possibilities for expression - no. I say yes - and no. Since attending the Perth Writers Festival this year I now have Margaret Atwood's word for it - plork (plerk?) - a combination of play and work.
This is too long and self-indulgent for a blog post, possibly, but anyway I hope you enjoy this last little bit of random, slightly tidied up, imagining.
This is too long and self-indulgent for a blog post, possibly, but anyway I hope you enjoy this last little bit of random, slightly tidied up, imagining.
My dad did this painting in 1971 - depiction of an 'asylum' - is this the compound? |
Reporting back
The compound meetings to discuss strategic planning occurred on the first
and third Saturday evenings of each month.
Griselda the Third sat at the hearth and listened with her eyes closed to
the goings-on occurring at the compound table. No-one could remember Griselda
the First and Second, but the implication that Griselda the Third occupied the
position as a kind of birthright was not lost on anyone, as it was part of the
lengthy induction that all served. Griselda was the Great Mother, a large woman
in a voluminous green dress. She had strong, weathered hands and a strangely smooth
face. Her hair tumbled down her back in soft waves and shone red and gold where
the firelight caught it. She smelt of peppermint and rosewater.
Before the meeting, each teacher came separately to kneel before her and
receive her blessing for Truth, Courage and Creativity. After the blessing,
Mother would hold out her arms. ‘Now give me a big hug and tell me that you
love me,’ she’d say, and each in turn would fall into her arms.
She had a soft spot for Terry, and tonight when he knelt at her feet with
his head bowed down, she lifted his face in her hands and studied his expression.
‘Change,’ she said, ‘is life. Remember that. Do not hold on too tightly
Terry. I know you like to control the direction, but you can destroy the
fragile possibilities if you don’t open your heart. Look deeper. Now give me a
big hug and tell me that you love me.’
Terry fell into her arms and said, ‘I love you Mother’.
‘There’s a good boy,’ she said. ‘There’s a good boy.’
Her first words to him this evening were mysterious and difficult to fathom.
Later, in his single room, he would write them down and try to analyse their
meaning. He rehearsed them in his head. ‘Change is life. Do not hold on too tightly.
Destroy fragile possibilities if don’t open heart. Look deeper.’
‘And Terry, pop another lintel on the fire would you, there’s a good boy.
It’s cold this evening.’
When the meeting proper began, each child in each family was discussed
and their progress reported. Any odd or unusual behaviour was discussed in
great length with regard to the costs and benefits to the society that the
person would ultimately inhabit, the society that Mother had seen in her famous
vision. No decisions were made at this stage. Everything was laid out flat and
turned inside out, like an animal skin pegged to dry in the sun. Moulding a
life was like trying to build a puzzle. All the pieces needed to be in place
before the details of the picture emerged fully. Sometimes the picture shifted
right there in front of the eyes. The guardians of society had to be ready for
constant improvement as decreed by the visions that were constantly being sent
from the great unknown.
Griselda was the ultimate guardian of that picture. She was building it,
piece by piece, in her mind’s eye. She had the gift of the overview; the
understanding that diversity is connected to strength, and that strength, and
survival, could not be separated from ethical sensibilities. The good of the
whole was paramount, but compassion towards the individual was maintained
wherever possible. Only Griselda held a full understanding, although others were
being schooled. Only those with the gift would be able to reach such heights of
enlightenment. Right now the knowledge was being passed on by her to her
The women were already around the table, some seated and some standing
together in small groups chatting when Bob arrived. Bob always found it
somewhat daunting to walk into this, the subtle glances as they thought
whatever it was that they were thinking, although how they could have anything
left to wonder about, he did not know. Each and every one of them knew him a
little too well, but they were never satisfied. These women were always
wanting, always vying for his attention.
He was past optimal breeding age, so had been relieved of that obligation
at least five years before. Now he had no more viable seed save for that stored
in the bank. They stopped collecting when he turned thirty-seven. That was
close on twenty years of service. He was already exhausted. Little did he know
it would be just the beginning of his public service.
On the day of his completion, there were women lined up around the block
with gifts of food and drink and drugs. They
called it ‘The Release’. From that day he was, as they said here, a free man,
although freedom from his own perspective was debatable. What ‘The Release’
really meant was that they were free to pursue him, and pursue him they did.
He hated it. Even in the meetings, he hated the furtive glances, the
secret smiles as one or another recalled an encounter with him in the dark in
his room, or in the candlelight, in hers. The fumbling darkness was at his
request. He hated the idea of the voyeurs watching on screens, participating,
scooping up every little bit of his being.
What was it all about, he wondered? He couldn’t directly give them
children. There was still the potential in the lab, if that’s what they wanted
from him. They wouldn’t have wanted that life anyway, isolated in their houses,
unaware of the bigger picture, unable to do what they seemed to like most of
all, which was to talk endlessly with one another about the most trivial of
things. And they found comfort in each other’s arms too, here, he knew that
well enough, although they were called upon to be discreet. Griselda knew of
the dangers too, of rivalry and the emotions that it arouse, and ensured that
the group bonding overwhelmed individual longing. Passion was allowed to be
expressed, but then it was discussed and deconstructed until it lost all its
power over them.
‘The power of women is in the collective,’ she would tell them. ‘Never
forget this. It was lust for individual gain that collapsed the world of men.
This must never happen again.’ And they would always say ‘Praise be to
Griselda,’ although whether they felt it, or not, or whether they believed what
she said, was difficult to say. They responded so automatically that the words
they said probably never even reached awareness. And yet, awareness was valued
above all else. They were not to take what was offered for granted, whether it
was the affections of another, or the earth’s bounty. To do so would lead to
greed, and it was greed that led them to the ailing earth that they had
inherited from their foremothers and their forefathers. They must ensure that
this never happened again. That was the
true meaning of their ritual.
At the table they always began with an ode to something that the earth
had offered to them. Today a harvest of plums piled into a basket had been placed
in the middle of the table for contemplation and ultimate consumption. At each
meeting someone was charged with saying the grace. Today it was the turn of a
small, quiet woman called Zelda who was also to chair the meeting. She stood
and opened her arms to them all, looking at each individually. She had been
practicing this, her big moment, in her room with the light out. The dark
surveillance had picked it up in any case, to Griselda’s amusement. Zelda began
to speak with a quavering voice, full of infatuation for the earth and what it
had to offer.
‘Praise,’ she said. ‘Praise to the plum.’ She paused to give all present,
time to contemplate the plum. Then she began in earnest. ‘Oh plum, we praise
thee. We praise thy soft, round surface. We praise thy tender selflessness. We
praise thy givingness. We praise thy fecundity. We praise the way thou
springest into tree so freely and givest of thy fruit so willingly and mindest
not the gathered or the ungathered that spoil beneath thy green branches. We
praise thy gentleness, thy generosity to feed the hungry mouth and the hungry
soul. We praise the life within, the life shared, thy forbearance. We praise
thee plum. We praise thee. We praise thy ordinariness and thy uniqueness, thy
depths and surfaces, thy value, thy love of all that lives. And all that dies.’
There was silence around the table as all contemplated the plum and what
it meant. Zelda picked up the basket and took it then for Griselda’s blessing.
‘Lovely,’ she said. ‘I’ll have two.’ She chose two perfect specimens,
laid one in her ample lap and bit into the other, chewing thoughtfully, her
eyes closed to help her experience the ecstasy. When at length she swallowed,
she waved her arm magnanimously and said, ‘Let the feasting begin!’
Zelda brought the basket back to the table and offered it to the two men
present, to Terry and Bob. Then each of the women took a plum, and ate in slow
and sensuous reverence. Zelda allowed the red juice to trickle from her mouth
and over her chin. The stain would help to remind her of this moment when she
became one with the earth and offered up her blessing. Her turn would not come
around for another year and she wanted to extend the magical reality of this moment
for as long as she could.
But the moment, as all moments, ended, and all reluctantly turned to the
business at hand. Half way through the business of the day, the bush experiment
reporting began. ‘Changes in Circumstance’ was at the top of the list.
‘What of the boy Dalyon?’ Zelda asked. Her voice was breathy and rapid,
as if she was batting a shuttlecock away from her, or a series of shuttlecocks.
Alba, a short woman with shoulder-length mousy-coloured hair, raised her
hand. ‘He has settled in well with the girl Jilda and the boy Lucan,’ she said.
‘He is learning the art of bush survival and continuing to develop his gift.
Mother may wish to see the visual history at some time?’
‘The girl Jilda has good protective instincts for her charge does she
not?’ said Zelda, channeling Mother Griselda.
‘Oh yes. She was located on screen only six months ago with her young
brother, and both were in robust health. Apparently they had been living in the
Q bunker that had been thought to be abandoned.’ Alba flicked through her
notes. ‘Oh yes, and the boy Dalyon is active and healthy still, I should
mention that, and does not seem to be pining for his mother, or his cat.’
‘It will be interesting to see how the dynamics evolve. Leave him where
he is for now and report any developments to me personally and without delay,’
Mother Griselda decreed from her large and comfortable chair at the hearth.
‘Moving on.’
‘Let the decision be noted,’ said Zelda. ‘To be reviewed?’
‘Two weeks,’ said Griselda, leaving Bob and Terry’s presence on the
matter entirely redundant. Griselda must have sensed this, for she added, ‘And
how did you go with the poor mother?’
‘Her final resting place was a shallow hole, unfortunately Mother,’ said
Terry, ‘due to an impenetrable system of tree roots that went right through the
yard. We didn’t want to damage the tree system, naturally.’
‘Never mind,’ said Griselda. ‘Make a note to avoid using the house again
for now. What about the cat?’
‘Disposed of,’ said Bob.
‘Good. They can get very bad in the bush. Well done. Next.’
Monday, 17 June 2013
Annabel Smith's Workshop on Plotting next Saturday
Annabel Smith will be running a workshop on Novel Plotting on Saturday 22nd June from 1.30- 4.30pm at Mattie's House, FAWWA Allen Park Precinct, Swanbourne.
The workshop will equip participants with the tools for plotting a novel. It is suitable for people at any stage of a writing project.
- Learn to understand the two sides of the plot ‘coin’ What? And why?
- Create a plot outline for your novel using an eight-point story arc structure. Create a one sentence summary ideal for pitching to agents and publishers.
- Finally map your work-in-progress against the 8 elements that create the ‘why’ of a novel and an 8-point story structure; identify gaps and missing elements.
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Thank you Annabel Smith
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
My Talk at the Armadale Library June 19
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Picture by Matt Biocich |
Hi there!
I'll be going along to the Armadale Library on June 19 at 7pm to talk about my book and writing. It's a free event, so if you are in the vicinity and would like to come along, would love to see you there. Click on this link to find out more
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Episode Fourteen
It was three days since Bob
and Terry had returned. Life off the road was tedious by comparison, but took
no effort as such.
Number 27 was
the only room with the door ajar, not that it mattered. Everyone and anyone could
be seen at any time on the screens, so nobody with her door shut would think to
misbehave, even if misbehavior were waved right in front of her nose, even if she
wanted to.
Bob sat on his perfectly flat single bed, smoking. It didn’t
matter. He’d passed optimal breeding age anyway and all his seed had been
long-since been collected and utilized. He was indulged as he wished, and he did
wish to indulge, with old-fashioned comforts – alcohol in all its strengths and
varieties, tobacco, hash, ice, Es and the rest of the quaintly named old mind-altering
substances, along with their antidotes when work needed to be done, or when
things got out of hand.
All this stuff
didn’t make him any different, or change him, as they used to think. There was
nothing to change but change itself. The idea that Bob was somehow separate
from his changing body or from the sum of the substances that he ingested or
inhaled was nonsensical. He was what he was, and he did what he did, and one
day when he had served his function, in terms of the general consensus, he would
be no more. The end would come gently, humanely, in a way that he could
orchestrate for himself, and at a time of his choosing. And there, of course,
was the rub, as someone in a famous play of antiquity had once put it. In the
end, apart from sensual pleasure, what was there?
He imagined
the Great Mother protesting at this point. Women seemed to gain pleasure from community,
self-sacrifice and social approbation, which was their prerogative as the
privileged majority, and which, he supposed, gave them more of a feeling of
connection to a world that they imagined continuing after they had gone. But all
that just seemed like a delusion to him. How did they know what was to come in
a time of such uncertainty? Did they really think they could control the bigger
picture? One asteroid and it would all be over. What did it matter anyway?
The irony of
his situation, of all possible situations, did not escape him. Once, when he
was younger, he’d spent one or two days buried in what they used to call depression,
until the doctor fixed him.
‘There are
more things in heaven and earth…’ she said, and offered Bob a swig from her
flask. Bob took a gulp. It burnt all the way down.
‘Keep it,’ the
doc had insisted when he went to hand it back. ‘Plenty more where that come
from. Now don’t you go worrying your pretty little head about anything.’
She knelt down,
took his face in her hands and kissed him soundly, struggled her substantial
body back to its feet, and left him with the flask, a refill and a packet of
cigarettes to go with the matches that he had already collected.
‘Just don’t
spread it around,’ she said as she turned back for one last leer, at the
When he was younger, he used to wonder if he was more in
a position of privilege, or pressure. Bob smiled at the memory of his younger self.
The question seemed so meaningless now. He couldn’t even remember what was in
his mind when he used to think that. He remembered that he used to wonder what
it would have been like when humans spread like a plague across the earth and
when men and women were more or less conceived and born in equal numbers – back
in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for example. It wasn’t all that
long ago – seventy or eighty years – still with everything that had happened in
the interim, it could have been eons. He was something of a throwback he guessed.
A hundred years or so of assisted evolution hadn’t really done anything to
change his fundamentals. They were too cautious, these women, when it came to
making change happen.
So here he
was, an old-fashioned man not fitting in very well in a new-fashioned society.
He should have been born somewhere in the twentieth century. He could have
blended in then, maybe had a relationship for a while, like they used to,
one-on-one, serial monogamy. There was something pure and honourable about the
whole idea of that kind of sexual repression. There was a certain security in those
boundaries that allowed for more freedom than the eventual free-for-all that
was encouraged now. Still. What he would do with that boundaried freedom, or
even what it really signified, he had no idea.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
An allegory from Patricia Johnson
I am wondering if we are seeing a resurgence of interest in fairy stories and allegories. I find something very powerful about this literary form, and would be interested in any comments around this. Pat Johnson has kindly given permission for me to publish this one of hers on the blog. It comes from "Tales from the Dark Mountain".
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Pat Johnson |
The Coffee Bean Babies
Far away on the other side of the world a
village rests on the face of a dark mountain. Early every morning when the
villagers awake from their night time dreams they hurry out into the sunlight.
Dressed for a day of work, they walk together to their fields.
Today they get a surprise; the mountain looks different. It is covered
with crawling things that look like coffee beans. They are everywhere up and
down the side of the mountain. The villagers wonder what has happened. Then
they hear a baby’s cry. They are little
brown babies, cute and plump and solid, crawling on the mountain.
They are not really crying. The sound is more like babbling. The babies
seem very happy but none of the villagers know where they have come from. The
villagers have their own babies; they
don’t need any more although they are very fond of babies. There are no adults
with the babies, not one to feed them or look after them.
Soon all the children are in the fields playing with the new babies,
swinging them in the air, and cuddling them; watching and talking to and loving
them. The babies do not pay much attention to the village children who are
pushing and pulling them about, lugging them around to show their friends.
Those coffee bean babies are just happy. But when they get the chance, they
want to crawl. They are exploring everywhere.
Yes, now the villagers see that there is something familiar about them –
they remember that whenever babies come, something unusual happens. They can
only wait and see. As they look along the mountainside the babies are crawling
through their crops and fields.
The sky turns black and the babes stop, afraid. Thunder rumbles and rain
pours down. When the sky clears, the villagers notice that now the babies have
wings, heavy, solid clumsy wings that will never fly.
The fields are full of crawling babies, babies crawling through the
cabbages and potatoes, and the carrots and the pumpkin, and the wheat, pulling
up all the roots as they drag their heavy wings. The villagers are stunned. As
they slide over the wet ground they try to figure out what they should do. Everyone
is worried that they will have nothing to eat if the babies ruin all their
crops. But how to remove them? They cannot rake them up and push them to the
side; they will not stay.
The villagers who have always loved babies are beginning to hate them. They
start to run. They run away from the babies, away from their fields. They run
because they are confused and afraid; afraid that they might hurt the babies
and they know that they should not do that. They know they can only wait and
see. But they are so angry that the babies are destroying all the food they
have planted, they run down the mountainside, run away to get to a place that
feels safe.
When they are far down the mountain, they look back and see the babies
in the distance. The little babies are like a colony of ants on the
mountainside. Now the villagers can
think. What will happen if it rains again? Then, there is a long deep rumble,
like thunder, but the sky is clear. All the men and women of the village are in
the valley, but their own children are still up there playing. When they look
upward, they see their own children moving around among the crawling babes.
There is another, very loud rumble. The children are startled and they
start to run down the mountain to their parents. As they run they feel the
ground moving underneath them.
The mountain itself is trying to shrug off the itchy, annoying little
insects that are crawling around on its surface. The skin of the mountain is itching.
Its rumbles are getting louder and louder. The trees are shaking loose and
falling down. Rocks are tumbling. The whole mountain explodes. The babies are thrown
into the air, crashing into each other.
Meanwhile, the children have made it down the mountain and are with
their parents again, very glad to be there. In silence they strain their eyes
to see the babies, who have stopped crashing and whose heavy wing cases are falling
to the ground.
Then the villagers hear a faint buzzing. Fine gossamer wings are
bursting out of the babies shoulder blades, allowing them to fly and setting
them free. The excited babies buzz loudly. They group together in a ring above
the mountain. They are beautiful! The sun breaks through changing them from
brown to gold. The light bouncing off the golden babies gives out a glare that
hurts the eyes.
All the trees and rocks, the moss
and streams, everything that the mountain had thrown off, is settling back
down. Everything is returning to the mountain. Even the village itself, tossed
high and far into the clouds, is finding a new spot to rest. Nothing is as it
was. And as things nestle into different and awkward positions, the sun continues
to blaze brightly on the babies, a hovering ring of gold.
The villagers are beginning to
recover. They think the mountain may have become quiet once more. They start to
trek upward to where the village teeters back and forth. As they walk, shards
of gold fall from the sky, decorating the fields. Looking up, they see the
babies disintegrating, breaking apart and dropping silently, as softly as
snowflakes drifting though the air. The falling gold has no weight; it floats
quietly until it settles on the ground. But as soon as it settles, the gold is
sucked below the surface. Rapidly down it goes, deep into the cold centre of
the mountain. The ground rumbles and shifts again, shrugs and resettles.
The villagers trudge upward, unworried
because the mountain has restored itself and the mountain is their home. It has
all happened very fast. The little coffee bean babies are gone. The villagers
didn’t have to do anything. They didn’t know what was happening or what to do
but it didn’t matter. Everything is okay again – but different. They head
toward their village which is still tottering back and forth, up and down, left
and right. They watch as it tilts to one side, then topples right over! They
climb upward. Tomorrow they will start fixing, repairing and rebuilding.
Far into the heart of
the mountain, they go. When they have gone far enough they lay down and cover
themselves in furs and go to sleep deep in the earth where it is dark and
quiet. They are part of the mountain that does not change. And as they sleep
they grow strong.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Book Length Project Group Member Charles Page Profile
Charles gained a private pilot licence in the UK, and then qualified as an airline pilot after he arrived in Australia as a Ten Pound Pom in 1963. ‘I wanted to see the world as well as fly, and the best way was to fly the big jets like the 707 and the 747 on international routes’. First off, he flew DC-3s with MacRobertson Miller Airlines. After his course was retrenched in 1968 he moved to Canada and joined Pacific Western Airlines. There he flew the DC-6, Electra and Hercules before moving up to the 707 in 1972. After 11 years in Canada, he and the family were on their way to Hong Kong, where he flew the 747 with Cathay Pacific. He retired in 1995 and returned to Perth.
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Charles in his favourite spot |
From Right Stuff to Write Stuff
In an interview with author Kristen Alexander, Charles Page said, 'I have been lucky enough to enjoy my three main passions – flying, travel and writing. All three are related, as the flying gave me travel, and then I wrote about the travel and flying. I have lived in the UK, South Africa, Canada, Hong Kong and Australia, and visited many countries'.

Charles’ first published piece was a 5,000 word article about flying in Africa, and it was published in a Canadian aviation magazine in 1977. So he had started long before settling down to retired life. After retirement, Charles took a travel writing course, fully intending to write travel articles and books. Of course, well laid plans of mice and Charles... because, ‘when I returned from an overseas holiday, I saw an ad in a month old writers’ magazine asking for someone to write the story of a Vengeance dive bomber that crashed in the West Australian wheat belt. This crash occurred in 1944 in the Shire of Yilgarn, and they wanted the crash and search written up. I had to present before the Shire Council at Southern Cross, and after a few days I was surprised to hear I had been given the assignment. I think it was because I had flying experience and had written some articles.’ The next thing you know, Charles was researching his first book, Vengeance of the Outback. A Wartime Air Mystery of Western Australia.
It was a great experience for Charles because, not only was he the author, but he played a significant part in the production process, not an easy task for your first full length writing project. He ‘had all the publisher duties of selecting and working closely with the editor, book designer and printer. I organised every stage, and was at the printers when the first book came down the chute. The whole exercise was a great learning experience.’ And at the end, ‘I took some of the books home in my car, savouring the new book smell all the way’.
And that takes us neatly to Charles’ second book, the biography of Wing Commander Charles Learmonth DFC and Bar. I asked him how he came to this story. ‘The name Potshot, in Exmouth Gulf, came up in the Vengeance book, and I was curious as to why it was changed to Learmonth. About that time, the Maritime Museum thought they had found Charles Learmonth’s crashed Beaufort underwater. I then interviewed his widow, and realised there was a good story there. Just then, Edith Cowan University advertised a course in biography, and that we would be expected to write a 6,000 word article. Well I wasted a whole day trying to find the classroom, only to find the course had been cancelled. I was so incensed, I decided to write the Learmonth biography anyway, and it grew from 6,000 words to 120,000 words, and I had the book, Wings of Destiny.’ This book was recommended by the Chief of Air Force in the Inaugural Reading List for the RAAF.
With two well received books in the bag, and on my bookshelf, I am naturally interested in Charles’ next project. ‘I am about half way through the first draft of The Kimberley Triangle. This non-fiction story describes a Tiger Moth forced landing, and a B25 Mitchell bomber ditching in 1945, and how their stories became entwined. The large number of incidents and accidents in the Kimberley region of Western Australia are brought into the story, as well as relevant aspects of the Kimberleys, and how the missionaries played a large part in search and rescue. It is a story of unbelievable coincidences, survival against the odds, and a ditched B25 with a rich cargo, guarded by raging currents and crocodiles. In my field research I have flown over and photographed the area at low level. I plan on another flight and possibly a search for the B25.’
But this fascinating story is not the only project Charles is working on. His other project is a search for the Boston bomber of Bill Newton VC. 'Together with my colleague, who has a boat and sidescan sonar, we hope to find the aircraft off Salamaua, Papua New Guinea. We have the search area down to about two square miles. Since the aircraft ditched, rather than crashed, it should be reasonably intact. We are awaiting delivery of a new boat, and for good weather and calm seas. I have also been given a memorial plaque to lower down to the Boston. This project should lend itself to a TV documentary, article, and possibly a book if the Boston is found.'
If you haven’t read Charles’ books, it is about time you did! There is nothing better than seeing how an author applies his or her own words of wisdom. Vengeance of the Outback has recently been reprinted and can be ordered from Shire of Yilgarn, PO Box 86, Antares Street, Southern Cross, WA, 6426, for $39.00 including postage, payable by cheque to Shire of Yilgarn, or tel (08) 90491001 with cc details. Wings of Destiny is out of print, but the ebook is available for $14.99 at the link provided here.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Episode Thirteen
Travelling Back
The two men arrived back at the road just past sunset. They uncovered the vehicle, lit a fire by the side, and prepared to cook the evening meal. Terry pulled out a metal box in which there were synthetic containers of various shapes with small blue lettering identifying the various contents.
‘We have earned our meat tonight,’ he said, and Bob grunted his approval. ‘There is a fine stew mixture remaining.’
Bob located a bottle of confiscated spirits under the front floor mat, and took a drink. Terry heated the food and boiled a small quantity of water for tea. They sat on the back of the vehicle, eating in silence and contemplating the brightening stars through a high cloud.
After the meal they lifted their bicycles into the back of the vehicle. Terry took out a mirror and combed his hair. He took a shoe brush from under the driver’s seat and polished the dust from his shoes.
Bob took another swig from the bottle and tucked it back under the mat, before he set about removing the solar panels from the roof. He wrapped them in a length of yellow-stained cloth, and stored them carefully in a compartment that was hidden under the bikes. Terry killed the fire and climbed into the driving seat and Bob climbed into the passenger seat. Terry put on his seatbelt and waited, looked at Bob, who looked back at him, considered his options, then counted to twenty inside his head and engaged his seatbelt. Terry pulled out onto the road, taking care to check in the rear vision mirror. There were no other vehicles in sight, and it was unlikely that there would be any that passed along the way. None had been scheduled as far as they knew. Any such event would be unusual enough to be cause for celebration or concern, but Terry, as always, kept to his rituals. Bob slumped down as far into the seat as the seatbelt would allow, folded his arms, and prepared to fall asleep. Several hours would pass before Terry tapped him on the shoulder for some refreshment, and instructed him to take over the driving.
They had one more house to visit on the way back. They anticipated arriving at the start of this track around the first light. An intersex infant of around six months had somehow slipped off the system and needed checking. It was probably fine. This one appeared unremarkable, but time would tell. Some such children had shown themselves to have viable breeding potential. At the very least each unusual child provided useful additions to the pool of potential behavioural responses, any one of which might ultimately provide the survival edge needed to conserve the species, or its evolution. If not they could simply be put into the normalization program and trained for physical or monitoring work. Nothing should be wasted. All should be conserved and investigated for usefulness. Humankind was growing stronger all the time, but it wasn’t out of the woods yet. Pun intended.
This idea of isolating families in the middle of the bush had been Mother Griselda’s. She theorized that humankind had strayed too far from nature in the past, resulting in its near-destruction. Her plan seemed to be to give each family enough space to be able to recover some of its animal instinct, and for the results to be interrogated and implemented. In the process one might stumble across idiosyncratic solutions to sticky problems that had ultimately brought the human species to the brink of extinction. Hence she came upon the idea of isolating one from the other. It was, said Mother Griselda, a type of in-vivo experiment. ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,’ she said. Terry pondered that one for some time before letting it go. Sometimes the Great Mother spoke in riddles.
This kind of lifestyle, she explained, provided the time and freedom for new methods of problem solving to emerge, which could then be harvested to benefit the community as a whole. At the same time, the families could not be given completely free reign. That would only lead to anarchy. They must realize that they belonged to and were beholden to the whole society to avoid the problems created by the individualistic society that peaked in the late twentieth and early to mid twenty-first centuries. Eventually all would be brought back into the fold. Those who survived the experiment would be brought back home.
Mother Griselda said that the process of increasing specific characteristics and extinguishing others in the population was as much an art as it is a science. Bob and Terry had seen that for themselves. Some went a bit stir crazy in the woods and some inexplicably died, like the woman they had just buried. Others were more robust.
There shouldn’t be a problem with this next one. In this case the woman seemed sensible and pliable. She had raised three girls and a boy who was unfortunately sickly and died before its second birthday. It wouldn’t take long for the detour. Later they would have to deal with the missing boy called Dalyon. Bob was not concerned. The system would pick him up. Terry would think it through and come up with an answer. As irritating as he was, Terry was exemplary in the role because of his remarkable attention to detail. Bob did not take the job so seriously. Things changed. They always had. What did it matter what the future held? In his unsatisfactory sleep Bob turned to images of home and his comfortable bed.
Terry was thinking of the compound and of the satisfaction of a job well done. He was going through a mental checklist as he drove away from the forest and its uncertainties. He knew exactly what awaited him upon his return. Back home, in a low grey building that sat neatly in a compound of low grey buildings, rows of women in grey suits would be staring at a rows of grey screens, and their fingers would be tapping away, keying in the necessary information. The screens showed the minutiae of daily life as small families and groups went about their daily business, chatting, arguing, collecting eggs, growing vegetables, and raising small children. The families and groups varied in composition apart from the complete absence of adult males. On one screen tucked away at the back corner, an indifferent woman was watching a group of children in an ancient bunker, giggling together and enjoying a tea party. A decision would be made in due course.
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