Monday 4 February 2013

First draft

I've just started something new based on my earliest memories, and I'm playing around with how identity is formed and the slippage between the real and imagined. At this stage the writing seems to have a kind of unconscious logic that is driving it forward. I thought it might be interesting for the blog to track how it develops, to document something of one person's creative process. I'll put other excerpts on from time to time. Here is a sample of the first draft writing just started - part of the first chapter maybe:

She wasn’t lost. They thought she was, but she wasn’t. She had only wandered a little way from the truck because the others had gone, too impatient to sit and wait for their father’s return from checking the fences.  “Stay here,” they’d said. It was already late with shadows slanting across the landscape, cooling the ground which scratched and slid under her leather sandals as she found her way through the spinifex to the other side of a spidery tree, and further in, until she reached the ant hill. It towered above her.  She had seen them as the landscape moved past, when she had knelt up on the seat to watch through the window, the boys pointed them out, named them for her. Now she picked up one of the rocks scattered around, the ones sometimes caught in the act of turning to glass, and she hit the side of the hill to see what would happen. A piece broke off and life was uncovered. Ants began hurrying their eggs across the cut that she had made, to safety. She felt shame then, sorry for the damage she had caused.
Jackie tracked her and returned to the truck to report. “Why didn’t you bring her back?” her father had said. Jackie would have shrugged and looked away. “I didn’t think you’d want me to.” Nothing more. What could be left unspoken was better than words. But in this moment emotions were raw from anxiety at the emptiness they had found upon their return, her brothers knowing they had disobeyed, and making excuses, and her father had spoken sharply. After Jackie found her, everyone clammed up. Her father must have been worried because of what had almost happened in the weeks before, and because she was so young, but not because he was afraid of the landscape. He’d been born in this country in 1911. Burnakurra. His mother had been born in this country, sometime in the eighteen hundreds. She knew it too. And her mother. Who knew where she’d been born? It was difficult to track the records. Once, years later, she’d pressed her mother for information. “Where did they get their looks from?” Her mother looked cagey. “They might have had Chinese ancestors,” she said. “Their people came from Bendigo.” Father’s father, a red-headed barrel-chested man, had half-walked there, half ridden a bicycle, looking for gold. He found it too.  So her father knew this country like people know their local neighbourhood, and like people know and don’t know their mother. He could easily disappear back into this country. His father is buried there. And others. There is a picture of him as a boy – aged ten or eleven – lying on his stomach on a home-made raft, on a dam. He is naked. That’s how it seemed, free and easy like that. They did bombies into the water. But right now the man was implicated in the potential for what might have happened if his daughter had gone missing. He loved her dearly, of course.
Grace. When you look it up it has something to do with being absolved despite your own imperfections. Made clean again. The child was found. No harm was done. Jackie led them back to the place. Her father picked her up and carried her, but the memory of the fortnight before was fresh in his mind. It had been only two weeks since the boys had gone missing, lost all day in the bush, with the whole town after them. The trackers were able to tell part of the story, but not all. Finally they were found by chance. The boys were older than her of course, three and five. They kept their shoes on, kept to the shade where they could, didn’t drink from the sheep troughs, kept an eye out for snakes, and were found about this part of the day, just before darkness fell. Her father had taken a bicycle and ridden out.  And ridden. He was searching for some kind of clue. When they were found he couldn’t be contacted. No mobile phones in those days. There’s still no coverage out there probably. He came back well into the night to the good news, a candle in the window, the sign, so her mother says. He was thoroughly exhausted. His early onset rheumatoid arthritis flared up and he stayed in bed for days. 
That story became part of family history, as comforting as a meal, disaster averted. Sometimes they dined out on it. One day in the middle of her mother telling the story someone said, “You must have been a bad mother.”  Her mother stopped dining out on the story then. Perhaps there was an element of truth in the ill-conceived comment, but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Nothing but the truth is that everybody is a bad mother some of the time. All mothers. Even an exemplary mother is a bad mother from being too exemplary. Truth was she was a good-enough mother. There is the phrase that a psychoanalyst called Donald Winnicott coined: the good enough mother. As far as I know, nobody has coined the phrase: the good enough father – but I could be wrong. Most fathers are seen to be good enough, if they are regular guys. If they don’t do bad things.  If they are relatively neutral. Mothers have always been required to meet higher standards, because of the pedestal that supports them. Now things are changing, it seems.
Maybe this mother wasn’t coping well. Maybe she wasn’t keeping a proper eye on them because of the displacement. She suffered illness. This wasn’t her country. She’d been brought here. One day she collapsed weeping in the red dirt because her clothesline laden with wet sheets had fallen onto the ground. Jackie came and helped her fix it then, because he knew she belonged somewhere else, where there was greenery and dampness. Still, she was the mother. It was her job. Her fault.
That second time, with the girl, they were in their father’s care. That time it was their fault. The father. The children. The girl herself should have done as she was told. They all felt this. She felt this. Even so, there was a trace of self-flagellation about the father for a while – a shadow that soon faded. The story told later didn’t place blame. Neither of the stories placed blame. They were anecdotes. He might have taken it out on Jackie, speaking sharply. “Use your initiative!” But Jackie had been encouraged not to use his initiative, and to follow orders. Jackie was too well-mannered to speak sharply back. He was philosophical. It was a job. It kept his family fed for another couple of years. Besides, he didn’t mind the anger. At least it wasn’t patronising. It was understandable. The love. The investment of time and effort.  All’s well that ends well. The boys were found. The girl was found. Other children went missing and eventually turned up again. Jackie’s own children. They learnt to fend for themselves. It was necessary. All’s well that ends well.
Memories are rehearsed, or untended and allowed to die. That time with the ant hill she experienced something that she held to all her life. Later she thought of it as a kind of revelation.  At the time it was beyond words, and later, destroyed by them. It was something to do with the way that life was connected. She transferred that memory as her body changed and replaced itself, the memory of a feeling that she’d once experienced. Sometimes a child has clear vision. Then it is gone. But she remembers knowing that she experienced it once –a glimpse into the mystery of life. She knew once that even ants glow with it. And that they are sentient.
The word came later, a container for the memory, but like all containers served not only to contain, but to separate – to protect, preserve, prevent. Her own wandering away became a family story, and it dated the experience for her. She would have been no more than two years old – too young to know anything, or to be a philosopher. And this is why she knows that human beings have souls, and so do ants, or maybe that they all are souls, and that having is neither here nor there.
(c) Iris Lavell 2013


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