Wednesday 27 November 2013

Writers' retreat - New Norcia

A small group of BLPG writers went to the New Norcia retreat, and Pat has sent this report. Sounds like they had a great time! Well done to Pat for all her hard work in organising this, and to Trisha for the writing prompts.

Here's Pat's report and a couple of photos from the retreat...

New Norcia

The retreat to New Norcia was a blessing in unexpected ways. True, I was expecting peace, I was expecting quiet – and it was provided in full. I was expecting impressive architecture and interiors filled by paintings and object d art and had the pleasure of viewing it. But I also found the vibe was friendly and on Saturday night the pub was a revelation of steaming life. There were check shirts and cowboy hats dancing to Joe Cocker, truck drivers at their regular stop, and happy young backpackers behind the bar. I wasn’t really expecting the unstrained flow of conversation, not just about writing, but about the life behind writing that informs and shapes it for each one of us in our own time and space. I wasn’t really expecting to learn so much about my fellow writers and their journeys toward writing. If anyone remembers the show on SBS called ‘Front up,’ it was a bit like that. Scratch any ordinary person on the street and find a fascinating story underneath. We read to each other and the feedback was intelligent and informed. It’s true I didn’t do as much writing as I’d planned, but I was probably having too much fun.



  1. So sorry to have missed this one. It sounds really worthwhile. When's the next one?

    1. Sounds like they all had a great time.

    2. Midnight Rambler1 December 2013 at 01:20

      They are free May 9th - 12th. I think this might be good as school hols are over and it's not yet too cold. What do you think?

    3. Sounds like a plan. We could discuss when we all catch up next.
