Saturday 30 November 2013

Writing tips...

Other half coming soon
I'm no expert, but I have been struggling with this writing caper for many years in many different forms from the pragmatic to the professional, from report writing to academic to creative to the just plain fantastical. Ah well, to be more specific, plays, poetry, short stories, a completed (done and dusted) novel and a few incomplete ones.

I guess we could all come up with a list of writing tips, and I'm not trying to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs (although I suspect my own grandmothers never did such a thing) but in coming up with these I was trying to clarify what it is that works for me, or what it is that I think might work.

So I thought I would do this thing - for the next however long I will put up a writing tip a week, scheduled to come up on the same day. Along with this will be a writing prompt - something to push against to do a bit of writing. The prompt might be a picture, an idea, a quote - I'm not sure yet, but it will be something you might choose to use, or lose.

I get the feeling that this blog is read mainly by other writers, or people interested in the process of writing, along with the Book Length Project Group network, so I'm hoping it will be of interest and of some use.

The first one will go up in the coming week.


  1. Great idea, Iris! You have a lot more knowledge than you think you have and are an invaluable resource. My only disappointment is that I have to wait a week for it to start and I can't ...

    1. Thanks Louise. Love to have your thoughts on this and what works for you too. Writing is a bit like acting in a play sometimes. It's getting your head in the right place, not always so easy.

  2. Iris, I think you're the ideal person to give your writing tips. You're a great mentor for newcomers (like me!).

    1. Oh Louise, you're well on the way, but thank you :) I've scheduled the first one to go up tomorrow. And if you don't like the first one, I have a heap of others, so something might be useful.
