Thursday 18 July 2013

Book reviews

The book I chose to review
Check out Annabel Smith's Friday Faves where each week she asks someone to share a review of their favourite all-time book. This coming Friday she asked me to contribute, and I found it difficult to choose what to write about, hence the long introduction to the review, but I always feel that any book that grabs my attention at a particular time does so because it is relevant to something that I am learning about at the time. My current favourite is The Crying Room.

Anyway the link might introduce you to Annabel's excellent blog (if you haven't already stumbled across it) so I hope you will take the detour to check it out.


  1. My curiosity grows every time you mention this particular collection, Iris, and your description of it on Annabel's blog has whetted my appetite even more. Time for me to commandeer a copy, I think.

    1. One of the stories was in the Summer Shorts volume edited by Peter Holland - the one I got from you in the lucky dip at FAWWA last Christmas. It's the whole volume of stories that I find fascinating - kind of mesmerising. Yes, commandeer away!

    2. I have a feeling the one that was in Lines In The Sand will be in there too - the one about the lovers and the foxes prowling around outside. Very interesting style.

      I know the UWA library has a copy. So now that I've tipped off the whole world as to its whereabouts I'd better get my skates on...

    3. I knew I'd read that one before. You can borrow my copy Glen. I'll bring it to the next meeting.

    4. Awesome. Thank-you kindly.
