Wednesday 15 January 2014

Gearing up for the Perth Writers Festival

The Program for the Perth Writers Festival was launched last night at Winthrop Hall, University of Western Australia, with one of the highlights for me being the Welcome to Country - the only meaty part of the evening, apart from the skewers served afterwards.

Overall Perth Festival Director Jonothan Hollaway told the room full of readers and writers (I assume) that people still bought books because they represented optimism - the idea that they would actually get around to reading them. Seems a good cover is worth the trouble since it will at least improve the look of the bedside cabinet, even if the occupant of the bed never gets beyond page five!

There are some wonderful writers coming to the Festival - our very own (am I allowed to say that?) Amanda Curtin (Elemental, The Sinkings), the amazing writer Hannah Kent (Burial Rites), Anne Summers, William McInnes, and international stars Dame Margaret Drabble, Martin Amis, Lionel Shriver, Eleanor Catton, Philipp Meyer... the list goes on.

The company and refreshments were outstanding this year - although as designated driver I had to exercise restraint.

The Writers Festival itself starts in February on Thursday 20th and goes through until Sunday 23rd. It is absolutely packed with good stuff - the only problem will be choosing one good thing from another good thing. Much of it is free, and it is held, as always, in the beautiful grounds of the University of Western Australia.


  1. On what day will the program be included as part of The West Australian?

    1. Hi Glen,
      I have a feeling it will be this coming weekend.
