Monday 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas and love to all...

Three little words for this Christmas - Mercy, Harmony, Transformation
I picked these words at random from a little pack of Inner Beauty cards. It's a nice little pack of cards, each with a single word, coloured to represent or invoke the feeling that goes with the word. There's no explanation as to what the word means, so in that spirit, I will leave it to mean whatever it does to you.

They're good words for this time of the year, I think. Good words for any time of the year.

Thank you for reading the blog this year. I have been posting for just over a year now, and have really enjoyed sharing my thoughts, and sharing in your thoughts for that time. My greatest joy has been to provide an indication of some of the work that others are doing in this local writing network.

I have more writing tips scheduled for the coming period, and I hope to entice more people from the group to provide tasters on their writing projects throughout the year and links to their sites (if they have them). I'll be putting out some of my thoughts on books I read as the year goes along. And probably more things from left field. So if this kind of thing interests you, I hope you continue to pop in when you get the chance.

Merry Christmas!                                         Buon Natale!         Melkm Ganna

Joyeux Noël!                         शुभ क्रिसमस                      Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia

Frohe Weihnachten!                                                                 Рождество

¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!       メリークリスマス

圣诞快乐普通话                          Glædelig Jul                                                                 聖誕快樂


  1. Merry Christmas to you, Iris. I hope you and your family had a lovely day. Best wishes, Louise xx

    1. Thanks Louise. We had a very good day. A musical Christmas this year. I hope you managed to have some great family Carol sing-alongs around the piano with that musically talented son of yours too..
